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Research Paper Proposal

Research Proposal 

The world of food has changed tremendously throughout the years. It’s hard to imagine, but in the early 1900s, our world was fueled and regulated by agriculture and interstate trade. We live in a time now of mass growth of food and continent-wide food trade. Many people often wonder what caused this boom in food growth and trade, and the answer is simple. The population grew and continues to grow each day. We needed food to feed the rising world, but the reality of it all soon became apparent to scientists and food enthusiasts around the world. The traditional way of farming wasn’t going to provide enough supplies to feed everyone, especially not in a timely manner. This led to the immediate creation of GMOs also known as Genetically Modified Organisms. Basically, GMOs are intended to extend the shelf like of all the perishable food items we know and love by changing their genetic makeup, forcing them to be more resistant to anything that may make them “go bad” or spoil too quickly. GMOs have been a huge topic of debate in recent years. Some find the idea of altering the genetic makeup of something that is intended to be natural and safe for digestion, could be damaging to not only our bodies but the environment. On the other hand, people find the usage of GMOs, to be fantastic and necessary in relinquishing the health crisis and malnutrition in the world. Arguably, the world of food has changed for the better with the implementation of GMOs. The goal of my research paper is to evaluate whether the use of GMOs in the food industry is ethically correct. This topic is important to people because being healthy is the new in. We live in a time where we have access to everything and have amassed a wealth of knowledge about our bodies, and what is good or bad for them. No matter your dietary choice, it is important to eat food that makes your body feel good, likewise, it is equally as important to know what exactly you’re putting in your body. I know the benefits of GMOs, but I hope to learn of the negatives, and what could be done to address the downfalls of GMOs. I intend to find my information by looking through medical journals and worldly stats relating to GMOs overall effect on the health of the people and the environment.